Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Oughta Be In Pictures

They Call Me The Early Bird Special
My early work schedule and 6:15pm Photography class caused me to eat an early dinner. I guess I'm practicing for when I am 80, like the majority of the people around me at Lettuce Souprise You last night. Yeah, I ate vegetarian again last night. So far I am sticking to the plan pretty well. There have been minor slipups such as when I opened the can of Bush's Baked Beans yesterday without remembering that hunk of pork which swims in most cans of beans (I am proud to admit that I did my best to fish it out and toss it, however).

Tonight will be a different story. Tonight I am skipping the George's run (it's going to be nasty weather anyway) and going to get a large plate of chicken wings placed in front of me when I meet up with my friend Darren. I've been Jonesin' for Rocky Mountain Pizza Co's wings since I had them there a few months ago. And there will be beer. Much beer.

Tag I'm It
I spent a good bit of time last night adding more tags to my Flickr photographs. I realized that I was a little too stingy with my tags. My new philosophy, at least for shots that are identifiable for an area is

Country (if none US assumed) : State : City : Neighborhood : Main Subjects : Minor Identifiers

For instance, if I were to format the tags for this shot it would look something like

(none) : Georgia : Chamblee : (none) : signage, advertising : paint, blogged

Cover The Earth

Um This Is Digital 102, Right?
Week two of my Digital 102 class was last night. Unlike 101, 102's makeup is mostly younger people (around my age and younger). Almost all of the class participated in 101 together, so a couple of us have a familiarity learning curve to overcome.

Last night I noticed that many of the shots submitted for critique had been altered in Photoshop, or some equivalent, and the suggestion made for one of my shots was to take it into Photoshop and alter the colors. I thought that the purpose of these classes was to learn how to capture what we see (as well as some things overlooked by the human eyes) onto digital film. If I'm going to alter my shots significantly what was the point of buying an SLR and trying to learn how to use it?

Meh, perhaps I'm too much of a stickler for details.

Cancel That, I'm Shopping Elsewhere
Since joining the Amazon Prime world I have been looking to them first for all of my purchases. Six weeks or so ago I placed an order for this zoom lens for my camera. The price was right and lack of sales tax with the free two day shipping was going to make it a super purchase. The problem was that it was on backorder, to be filled by the end of April. When the schedule time for order fulfillment passed Amazon let me know that the new time frame for my purchase was going to be the beginning of June. Fuck! That!

Last night I found out that Newegg had the same lens for the same price, in stock, and they were going to charge only $5 for three-day UPS delivery!

Amazon order canceled. Newegg order placed. I can't wait.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal...
Current Mood - sneezing, hopefully from alergies not a Spring cold
Current Music - Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 26, playing Camera Obscura -- "Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken"
Website Of The Day - Maybe I should give up photography and join the Stencil Revolution.

If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I've picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as "blogged."

Exercise (b)Log - nothing, this week is not shaping up to be one that gets me in shape

Paulie [eatl/ga]